Fall 2013
Step Well # 1, eighteen compartments
Just this spring I learned for the first time about Step Wells. They are these incrdible strctures that the rajas of Rajastan
in India built from approximately 800 AD to 1400 AD around wells to make the water more accessible to the local
inhabitants. Step Wells began as relatively simple structures with stairways leading down to the water, the level
of which could change dramatically depending on the season. Of course they soon became more and more elaborate
and developed into incredible multi-storied fantasies of arcades, pavilions, and of course STAIRS in patterns
dizzying enough to make even M. C. Escher queasy.
This box is my first miniature Step Well, soon to be followed, I hope, by more. Below are some images of the step wells
that inspired it, and on the next page are images of the interior of my box. And if you have a moment, google Step Wells!