Fall 2013
Homage to M. C. Escher Box # 3
My third exploration of Escher's peculiar spacial sensibilities, this box is not based on a specific image but,
like my second box in the series, begins with the idea of a cube with identicl faces in different orientations.
What you see here is one face of the box, which is made up of two sides of the cube. This face is repeated two more times
on the other four sides, each time in a different orientation, so that there is no single direction that is "up" - hence the stand.
The three faces meet in three intertwining stairways at the top. To get to the inner compartment, a section
of each face is slid sideways; then the whole top of the box can be lifted off, and an open inner cube exposed.
Hard to explain, hard to understand, a nightmare to make!
The two-sided "face" The inner cubic space